
Over the last years we released several books to teach others how to improve their skills. The first book was released in 2014 and focused on Horns and Headdresses made of thermoplastic materials. Book 2 and 3 are a little bit more complex and explain how to work with silicone, casting resin and how to make hoof shoes and everything else you need for making a faun costume.

With our newest book New Lights you will learn everything you need to get started with animated LEDs!

Horns and Headdresses!

This book is aimed at costume enthusiasts, craftsmen, hobby elves, Cosplayers and everyone who wanted to be a mythical creature at some point. Over the last two years, I have done a lot of fiddling and experimenting with new methods, mostly concerning new ways on how to make horns and antlers. Two of them are shown in this book, with over 200 new pictures, step-by-step tutorials and a lot of helpful tips.

Step by step tutorials

Over 200 unpublished photos


English and German edition

Also available as ebook

Mold Making and Casting

In the second volume more methods on how to make your own horns, headpieces and various other things will be introduced. How to sculpt horns and how to create a silicone form will be explained in detail, followed by instructions on how you can then reproduce your masterpiece with casting resin any number of times. In addition of that, the materials and tools needed will be discussed, as well as the most important things you need to know when using these techniques.

Step by step tutorials

Over 300 unpublished photos


English and German edition

Also available as ebook

The Faun Book

This book teaches you everything about how to create hooves for your Faun costume. The hooves are the most critical part, because they can turn out very uncomfortable when you do it wrong. In the book are shown 4 different methods how to make hooves. Step by step tutorials make it easy to follow.

Step by step tutorials

Over 340 unpublished photos


English and German edition

Also available as ebook

New Lights | Animated LEDs for Beginner

This book is for cosplayers and people who are interested in making some new experiences with LEDs and who want to let their cosplays, props or whatever, shine in an amazing new light! We will accompany you from the first thoughts to a finished LED circuit. In several examples we give you a step-by-step explanation how to build your own LED circuit, what you have to consider, when you want to have a good and evenly shining result and we will tell you a trick how you can save a lot of money, by using your one time build main parts of your circuit for all your future projects again and again and again.

Step by step tutorials

Over 200 unpublished photos and several infographics


English and German edition

Also available as ebook